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Intelligent energy monitoring and building automation systems.
Cloud platforms for analysis and management of Big Data and IoT devices.

SmartDHOME: Sistemi intelligenti di monitoraggio energetico, piattaforme cloud di analisi dei Big Data e dispositivi IoT

Sviluppiamo soluzioni di monitoraggio e gestione delle fonti energetiche residenziali, delle aziende e della pubblica amministrazione. Soluzioni che aiutano i tuoi clienti ad attuare comportamenti energeticamente virtuosi.

Un'integrazione di piattaforme cloud e dispositivi all'avanguardia in grado di guidare professionisti, prosumer e consumer verso la rivoluzione dell'energia rinnovabile e il risparmio energetico.

SmartDHOME: Intelligent energy monitoring and building automation systems, cloud platforms for analysis and management of Big Data and IoT devices

We develop monitoring and management solutions for residential, business and public administration energy sources. Solutions that help implement energetically virtuous behaviors.

An integration of cloud platforms and cutting-edge devices capable of guiding professionals, prosumers and consumers towards the energy revolution, consumption efficiency and Renewable Energy Communities.
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Home Energy Management Systems
Consumption monitoring systems that have replaced home automation

The term Home Energy Management System (HEMS) is used to describe all intelligent home energy management systems that look at the distribution, storage and use of energy for...
This image for Image Layouts addon

Home Energy Management Systems
Consumption monitoring systems that have replaced home automation

The term Home Energy Management System (HEMS) is used to describe all intelligent home energy management systems that look at the distribution, storage and use of energy for...
Renewable Energy Communities

Renewable Energy Communities

When we talk about Renewable Energy Communities, we are referring to associations of private entities such as homes, commercial activities, SMEs, and public bodies which have as their aim the construction of virtuous systems of...
This image for Image Layouts addon

Monitoring of photovoltaic systems

To optimize the functioning of photovoltaic systems, advanced monitoring tools are needed that allow precise and immediate interventions if the systems need maintenance...

Internet of things

Internet of Thing
Piattaforme cloud e dispositivi IoT

The 4.0 revolution is based on real, real-time data and the information that can be obtained from them; are fundamental for improving products, making processes and models more efficient...



MyVirtuoso Home

MyVirtuoso Home

MyVirtuoso Home is a Home Energy Management System (HEMS) that uses the ZEE (Zero Export Energy) Artificial Intelligence algorithm and is able to take control of the photovoltaic system and all energy-intensive elements.
Contact Pro CER

Contact Pro CER

Contact Pro CER is a platform for the creation and complete management of CERs that combines Artificial Intelligence, a mobile App and the web platform, to involve consumers and prosumers. Ideal for PAs, SMEs and citizens.

Contact Pro FV

Contact Pro FV

Contact Pro FV is a platform for monitoring, management and maintenance of photovoltaic systems which is aimed at professional installers and companies operating in the solar energy field.

Contact Pro IoT

Contact Pro IoT

IoT platforms are created to systematize and integrate all the data generated by the IoT devices found in the reference plant. The cloud platform collects, processes and analyzes data from IoT devices.

IoT Devices

IoT Devices

The IoT (Internet of Things) is a paradigm that knows no application boundaries.
IoT devices are now high-tech tools that help in the collection and analysis of energy information.

Leggi di più
Building Management System RTCA


The RTCA system divides the costs of heating and domestic hot water in buildings served by a single heating plant. Consisting of distributors, gateway and platform for users and administrator.


HVAC control

Stand alone remote control devices for heating and cooling, ventilation and air conditioning. Thermostats, thermostatic heads and stand alone solutions for every type of system.


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SmartDHOME Srl

V.le Longarone, 35
20058 Zibido San Giacomo (Milan)
Phone: +39 02 4888631
Fax: +39 02 48886350