SmartDHOME: Sistemi intelligenti di monitoraggio energetico, piattaforme cloud di analisi dei Big Data e dispositivi IoT
SmartDHOME: Intelligent energy monitoring and building automation systems, cloud platforms for analysis and management of Big Data and IoT devices
We develop monitoring and management solutions for residential, business and public administration energy sources. Solutions that help implement energetically virtuous behaviors.
Home Energy Management Systems
Consumption monitoring systems that have replaced home automation
Home Energy Management Systems
Consumption monitoring systems that have replaced home automation
Renewable Energy Communities
Monitoring of photovoltaic systems

Internet of Thing
Piattaforme cloud e dispositivi IoT

MyVirtuoso Home

Contact Pro CER
Contact Pro FV
Contact Pro FV is a platform for monitoring, management and maintenance of photovoltaic systems which is aimed at professional installers and companies operating in the solar energy field.

Contact Pro IoT

IoT Devices
IoT devices are now high-tech tools that help in the collection and analysis of energy information.

The RTCA system divides the costs of heating and domestic hot water in buildings served by a single heating plant. Consisting of distributors, gateway and platform for users and administrator.